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Mar 10, 2019
Keeping it Confidential: Data Breach Obligations and Your Business
Why is this important for Your Business? You might have noticed that some of the largest corporations in the world have, over the course...
Jan 2, 2018
What is a Mutual Will Agreement?
A Mutual Will Agreement is a contract between two parties, usually spouses. Under a Mutual Will Agreement each party agrees that they...
Sep 30, 2017
Why You Need a Will (Yes You)!
I had a client once, let’s call her Jane. She was in her later 30s. Her husband Jack had died. She came and saw me 7 years after Jack’s...
Dec 16, 2014
Avoiding the Start Up Bust Up
I am fortunate enough to be in a profession where I get to see many starts up flourish, but I also see just as many crumble. So what...
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