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File Destruction Policy

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by us, we maintain, store and destroy client files in accordance with this policy.
If your matter relates to the preparation of a Will, we will retain the file(s) we create in your matter for 50 years from the date your matter is finalised (or such shorter date as permitted by the Legal Profession Conduct Rules), after which it may be destroyed without record.
For all other matters, we will retain the file(s) we create in your matter for 7 years from the date your matter is finalised, after which it may be destroyed without record.
We may choose to keep your file in hardcopy or electronic format or a combination.
If, at the time of destruction, we hold any original documents on the file (excluding Wills), we will endeavour to forward same to you using the last known address we have for you. It is your sole responsibility to update your records with our Firm. If we are unable to locate you, the original documents may be destroyed. We are not required to hold them indefinitely for you.
We may store hardcopy files offsite with third-party storage service providers. Whilst we use best endeavours to contract the services of reputable third-party providers who operate in the legal storage services industry we cannot guarantee that your file may not be damaged, destroyed, accessed without authorisation or stolen. We will not be liable to you for any loss arising from our use of such services whatsoever and you accept the risks of services of that nature.
If you request your file or any documents on your file after it has been finalised, and we store the file offsite, we may charge a file retrieval fee. We will advise you of the file retrieval fee at the time of your enquiry. The same applies if we need to retrieve your file to answer any queries you have about your matter.
If the Firm is sold or otherwise ceases to exist, we will arrange for suitable alternative arrangements for storage of your file(s) and advise you of same at that time.
When we store your file, or parts of your file, electronically we may use cloud-based services to do so. As with all third-party services we cannot guarantee that their service will be available without interruption or issues. We will not be liable to you for any loss arising from our use of such services whatsoever and you accept the risks of services of that nature.
We may amend this policy from time to time by notice to you.
Should you have any questions, please email